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  1. "Nature"作为名词,表示“自然”或“自然界”。
  • Example 1:People are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting nature.人们越来越意识到保护自然的重要性。
  • Example 2:On this trip, I really appreciated the beauty of nature and realized how important it is to protect our environment.在这次旅行中,我真正欣赏到了大自然的美丽,意识到保护我们的环境有多么重要。(雅思口语Part 2, "Describe a trip where you appreciated the beauty of nature"主题)
    1. "Nature"也可以表示“本质”或“性质”。
  • Example 3:Understanding the nature of the problem is the first step to solving it.理解问题的本质是解决问题的第一步。
  • Example 4:The nature of education has changed significantly with the development of technology, as online learning becomes more prevalent.随着技术的发展,教育的性质发生了显著变化,因为在线学习变得越来越普遍。(雅思写作Education主题)
  • 在写作中部分,"nature"常用的搭配有:"in nature", "the nature of"等。

  • Example 5:The nature of work is changing with the advent of artificial intelligence and automation.随着人工智能和自动化的出现,工作的性质正在改变。《经济学人》
  • 在听力和阅读中,"nature"的常用同义替换词包括:"essence", "character", "environment"等。
