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In ancient times, husband and wife were called each other as lovers, and later they were mostly used for wives to call husbands. This title shows how tall and respected men were in women's minds at that time.


郎,根据《说文解字》,在“良”字音义上加以区别;在“良”右边加“阝”,变成“郎”;在“良”左边加“女”,衍成“娘”。“郎”就代表丈夫了李白有“郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅“ ,义山诗有“刘郎已恨蓬山远,又隔蓬山一万丛”,花间词中有“问郎花好侬颜好”。“郎”多亲切的称呼!但单音节词似乎不太口语化,在日常生活中女人们通常在前头或尾后加一个字变双音词,即“郎”字后面加一个“君”字;妻子称丈夫为:“郎君”,是对丈夫的雅称。

Lang, according to Shuowen Jiezi, distinguishes the sound and meaning of the word "good"; Add "half" to the right of "good" to become "Lang"; Add "female" to the left of "good", and become "mother". "Lang" means her husband, Li Bai, "Lang rides a bamboo horse to get green plums around the bed", Yishan poem has "Liu Lang has hated Pengshan far away.


官人,宋代,是南北文化交流的时代。在夫妻间的称呼上,也是称谓较多的朝代。宫延中,出现了 “官家”一词;平民百姓中,有了“官人”这一称谓。有的妻子称自己的丈夫为“官人”。

The Song Dynasty was an era of cultural exchanges between the North and the South. In terms of address between husband and wife, it is also a dynasty with more address. In Gong Yanzhong, the word "official" appeared; Among the common people, there is the title of "official". Some wives call their husbands "officials".


Up to now, newlyweds are still jokingly called "bridegroom" and "bride". The most famous representative is Ximen dignitary. It can also be seen from this title that with the prosperity of the Song Dynasty's school of surrogates, men's family status has also reached a new level. Master, it is only the address of the official family to his husband.



"Xiao Lang" is not only a general name for men, but also a woman's favorite name for her lover. It originally meant a man surnamed Xiao. "Xiao Lang" is used to refer to Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty.



Mr. A is a name, which literally means: someone who was born earlier and older than himself; There is also the meaning of first contacting strange things, which is extended to the person who first contacts strange things. Therefore, in ancient times, it is said that others have the meaning of learning from others.



Before the Qing Dynasty, boys of Han nationality wore their hair in buns when they were 15 years old, and became children; When you are 20 years old, you should be crowned. Therefore, the age of adult children is 15 to 20 years old. The hair is also divided into full bunches and half bunches.
